



● Steve Jobs refers to his biological parents as his "sperm and egg bank" (Associated Press)

● He was bullied in school (AP)

● He gave up Christianity at age 13 when he saw starving children on the cover of Lifemagazine. (AP)

● He was returning from an apple farm on one of his fruitarian diets when he chose the name of his company (AP)

● He told John Sculley (the former Pepsi exec who ousted Jobs) that if he hadn't started Apple (AAPL) he might have been a poet in Paris (Huffington Post)

他告诉 John Sculley (前Pepsi的执行官,罢黜了老乔)如果他没创建Apple,他可能在巴黎当个诗人
● He calls the crop of executives brought in to run Apple after he left "corrupt people" with "corrupt values" (AP)

● He calls Apple's design chief Jonathan Ive his "spiritual partner" and says that no one but Jobs had the authority to tell him what to do (AP)

乔大爷称苹果的首席设计师 Jonathan Ive为他的“精神合作人”,并说除了他自己没人可以对Jonathan指手画脚。
● He told Barack Obama he was headed for a one-term presidency (Huffington Post)

● He offered to create Obama's ad campaign but became annoyed because Obama's strategist David Axelrod wasn't sufficiently deferential (HuffPo)

乔大爷表示要帮制作奥巴马竞选广告,但因为老奥的策略师David Axelrod表现得不够恭敬把老乔惹恼了
● He joked that he had to hide the knives from his wife when Rupert Murdoch came to dinner (New York Times)


● He was livid when Google (GOOG) copied the iPhone's interface, calling it "grand theft" (AP)

● He swore to Isaacson he was going to destroy Android to his "last dying breath," even if he had to spend all of Apple's billions to do it (AP)

乔大爷对 Isaacson发誓说他就算只剩最后一口气也要整垮Android, 就算花掉苹果亿万美元也在所不惜
● He once told John Sculley he thought he would die young (HuffPo)
乔大爷有次对John Sculley说他以为自己会早夭
● He came to regret having delayed surgery when his cancer was first diagnosed -- turning instead to fruit juices, acupuncture and herbal cures, some of which he found on the Internet (NYT)

"The big thing was that he really was not ready to open his body," his wife, Laurene Powell, told Isaacson. "It's hard to push someone to do that." (NYT)

“最大的问题是他不想开刀手术”乔大爷的妻子Laurene Powell对Isaacson说,“其他人很难说服他”
● When he decided to fight his cancer with modern medicine, he spared no expense -- including $100,000 to have the DNA of his tumor sequenced (NYT)

● He began meeting last spring with the people he wanted to see before he died, including Bill Gates (NYT)

● Gates was fascinated with Jobs but found him "fundamentally odd" and "weirdly flawed as a human being" (HuffPo)

● Jobs was working on new Apple products until the day he died (PC Magazine)


That last item may not be in the book, but it seemed a fitting coda.
